Hi. Howyadoin?
My name is Steven, and I'm a gamer.
I've been gaming since 1976 or so. My first purchased hobbies board games were Ogre (Metagaming) and Sorcerer (SPI), and my first RPG was Metamorphosis Alpha. I quickly became a fan of board games, got introduced to miniature gaming (Napoleonics, I forget the actual rules set), and one day my science teacher in school handed me a D&D Boxed Set and said "I want to play this, why don't you read it and figure out how it plays"
I played a lot D&D before switching to Runequest and Traveller, and I kept playing as much as I could through my teenage years. As I got older, fellow gamers came and went, Champions and GURPS ruled for awhile and then D&D 3E came along and I started playing D&D again.
Additionally, I'm a life long comic book reader, a fan of novels, movies, television, etc etc etc
As of today, I'm in two different campaigns, and still enjoy RPGs, miniatures and board games. Card games are OK, but mostly not my thing. I like old school, new school, indie... when it comes to RPGs I'm an omnivore.
On Monday, I hope to write my bog mission statement, and start to lay down some ground rules for what I hope to do.
Have a great weekend!
Thanks for the Comment on my blog!